It's a "No" for me Dawg.

The Boss’ study. Jerrald sits behind his desk in his leather chair. His phone sits beside the ashtray. Every few seconds he taps the home button on his phone as if expecting a message, growing increasingly annoyed with each empty screen. Opposite him sits Jack, cool indifference on his face. He watches Jerrald for a minute before speaking.

Jack: (Lights a cigarette) She’s not going to call. (Takes a long pull before he begins blowing O rings)
Jerrald: You don’t know that.

Jack: (Exhales a fine line of smoke) Jerrald, look at me. (Jerrald reluctantly pulls his eyes away from his phone) Yes. I. Do. She is not going to call. You wanted me to handle it right?

Jerrald: Yes.

Jack: Well, I handled it. And I’m nothing if not thorough.

Jerrald: Yeah, but--

Jack: But what? We are not doing this again. I’m serious. I thought you called me here to talk about real matters. If not, I go.

Jerrald: Fine. (opens the drawer to his desk, tosses the phone inside, snaps the drawer closed)

Jack: (sternly) I’m serious, Jerrald.

Jerrald: I said fine.

Jack: Ok, so what’d you want to talk about.

Jerrald: I had a dream.

Jack: (skeptically) A dream?

Jerrald: Yes.

Jack: You called me here to talk about a dream?

Jerrald: It was a really strange dream.

Jack: Jerrald, no offense, really. But all your dreams are strange. Remember the dream you had about the nuke hitting New York Harbor?

Jerrald: Yes, but--

Jack: A nuke.

Jerrald: Yes.

Jack: New York Harbor.

Jerrald: Yes.

Jack: (Laughs heartily) Yeah, I’m not doing this. (Rises and ashes cigarette)

Jerrald: It’s not funny! I woke up screaming Jack.

Jack: I know, I know. I get it. You’re a regular Nostradamus over here. Excuse me, I have real world shit we need accomplished.

Jerrald: Jack--

Jack: What about the dream you were Spider-Man fighting the Incredible Hulk in a Pathmark Supermarket?

Jerrald: What about it? That dream was Boss!

Jack: Right. (Makes air quotations with his fingers) “Boss.”

Jerrald: Jack--

Jack: Or, or, or the time you dreamed you were shot in the face, point blank, dead center and still managed to find your assailant, but couldn’t get vengeance because he was all of twelve years old.

Jerrald: Jack--

Jack: Jack what? It’s all nonsense! Get the kid to listen, You might inspire his next piece. But me? Brotha, I gotta be honest. I’m having a hard enough time trying to decipher the moments we spend awake. I really don’t have the time.

Jerrald: True, but I don’t think Freddy’s very happy with me right now.

Jack: (Scoffs) That’s funny. I thought you were the Cock of the Walk.

Jerrald: One of us is. (Smirks) A cock I mean.

Jack: True, but I never suggested you eat off--

Jerrald: (Sternly) That’s enough of that. Find Freddy, tell him I want to see him.

Jack: Done. You don’t have any papers you can spread across your desk to look busy?

Jerrald: Why do I need to look busy?

Jack: You’re about to tell this pissant you were in Narnia with Gandalf the Grey holding the Elder Wand while reciting Kee-Oth-Rama Pancake! I’d suggest you look a little flustered.

Jerrald: (Laughs genuinely) Good stuff! Now, Freddy please.

Jack: (Heads towards the door) I’m on it. (Reaches the door, turns the handle, and swings the door wide)

Jerrald: And Jack…

Jack: (Turns back) Yeah?

Jerrald: About that other thing, thank you.

Jack: (smirks) What’d your Nana always say? “Respect is due to a Dog.” Right?

Jerrald: Right.

Jack: Woof, woof, my Brotha, don’t mention it. (Exits)

Jerrald waits a moment to make sure Jack has really gone before opening his desk drawer and reaching for his phone. He presses the home button and stares at the screen dejectedly before tossing it back into the drawer. He Swivels on his chair and is now facing the wall.

*Fade to black*


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